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Time:2024-04-23 23:37:12 Read:0 作者:





The Silk Road became the main traffic artery connecting eastern and western Ancient times.


The Silk Road promotes cultural exchanges between China and foreign countries.


The Silk Road promotes the integration of Eastern and Western civilizations and the process of historical development.


The exploitation of the Maritime Silk Road has strengthened the relations between China and countries in Southeast Asia and South Asia, and has communicated the practice between East and West diplomatic circles from the waterway.


Airplane,the most high speed, but the expenses is also the most expensive. except when it is at the discount;

Train, it was the most popular transport in China when the distance is at 300km-1000km; it was very convenient and the expenses is more suitable for the ordinary people;

Bus, as one of Urban tranport, it is cheaper and more convenient than Subway and taxi, but it will take more time when in traffic jam;

The subway, become more and more popular in big city, like Guangzhou, Shanghai and etc. , the speed it higher than bus, but it is limited in specific road and city;

By bike, which is the most tradition and enviroment-friendly transport, but just can reach short distance area.


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