technology runs in the veins of society. It is the fuel that drives our lives. It is an integral part of daily life. It has definitely benefited society. It has brought luxury in the life of the common man. The automation brought about by technology has saved human effort and time to a large extent. It has brought distant places closer and simplified information access. Let us look at some of the important areas, where technology has brought about a positive change
Studying humanities can help students understand things better andmore clearly.
For example,when a student looks at a painting,you may think toyourself,"This is just a painting."But by studying humanities,students willbe able to appreciate what paintings are,and you can see how manyaspects of creation and painting may have far-reaching significance.
Humanities will help students appreciate and discover the meaning ofalmost everything in the world.
In addition,you will be able to find inspiration from randomthings,which will help students get the vibration of those creative cells.